
pygmt.grdinfo(grid, **kwargs)[source]

Get information about a grid.

Can read the grid from a file or given as an xarray.DataArray grid.

Full option list at

  • grid (str or xarray.DataArray) – The file name of the input grid or the grid loaded as a DataArray. This is the only required argument.

  • region (str or list) – Required if this is the first plot command. 'xmin/xmax/ymin/ymax[+r][+uunit]'. Specify the region of interest.

  • tab (str or bool) – n|t Formats the report using tab-separated fields on a single line. The output is name w e s n z0 z1 dx dy nx ny[ x0 y0 x1 y1 ] [ med scale ] [mean std rms] [n_nan] registration gtype. The data in brackets are outputted depending on the zdata and zextremes arguments. Use t to place file name at the end of the output record or, n or True to only output numerical columns. The registration is either 0 (gridline) or 1 (pixel), while gtype is either 0 (Cartesian) or 1 (geographic). The default value is False.

  • verbose (str) –

    Select verbosity level [Default is w], which modulates the messages written to stderr. Choose among 7 levels of verbosity:

    • q - Quiet, not even fatal error messages are produced

    • e - Error messages only

    • w - Warnings [Default]

    • t - Timings (report runtimes for time-intensive algorthms);

    • i - Informational messages (same as “verbose=True”)

    • c - Compatibility warnings

    • d - Debugging messages


info (str) – A string with information about the grid.